science quiz questions and answers 2020
science quiz questions and answers
here is the collection of science quiz questions and answers, science and technology quiz, science and technology quiz questions, science quiz class 8, science quiz of class 7, science quiz class 7, science quiz for class 8, physics quiz questions and answers for class 10, quiz on science, quiz questions and answers, quiz gk in hindi, quiz questions for kids, quiz on mahatma Gandhi and much more quiz on science. but here you find the interesting science quiz its easy as well as quiz question and answer
here is the list of topic covered in the science quiz. the following quiz has given to these topic.
Micro-organism, Metals and non-metals, Cell structure and functions, Friction, Sound, Chemical effect of electric current, Light, Motion, Force and laws of motion, Gravitation, Work and energy, Atoms and Molecules, Structure of atom, and many common general knowledge question quiz.