L.N.M.U B.sc Hons physics part 1 syllabus with subsidiary | session 2020-23
Monday, 2 November 2020
Here is the full syllabus of B.sc honours Physics part 1. these 1st year bsc syllabus comes under the college of Lalit Narayan Mithila Universities. Basically this b.sc physics honours syllabus is design to keep in mind of LNMU criteria. The pdf of this b.sc syllabus is also available in the following below of the post. You can simply click on download button to save pdf files.
L.N.M.U B.sc Hons physics part 1 syllabus
There are total two papers in b.sc physics part 1. Each paper has five questions. The number one question is compulsory. There are total six questions in first questions. For example if the paper has five questions namely question no. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. then there are six sub category questions in question no. 1. like Q. 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e and 1f.
All the paper in first year are categories by group A and Group B. The syllabus for bsc honours physics part 1 is designed for lnmu is given below. Also the given topics of all the chapters of bsc physics is satisfied by Lalit Narayan Mithila University. The given syllabus is fulfilled by lnmu official website lnmuonline.com click here for more detail.
Paper 1
As we discuss five questions to be answered. Question no. 1 will have six short type questions, out of which three will have to be answered. There shall be four questions each from Group a and Group B. Two questions from each group will have to be answered. Besides question number one which will be compulsory. The questions will be of equal value.
Group A
(1.) Mathematical Physics and Properties of matter
Group B
(2.) Special Theory of relativity, Oscillation, waves and Accounstics
Paper 2
five questions to be answered. Question no. 1 will have six short type questions, out of which three will have to be answered. There shall be four questions each from Group a and Group B. Two questions from each group will have to be answered. Besides question number one which will be compulsory. The questions will be of equal value.
Group A
(1.) Thermal Physics
(a) Kinetic Theory of gases:- Basics assumptions of kinetic theory, Ideal gas approximations, deduction of perfect gas laws, Maxwell's distribution law (both in terms of velocity and energy), root mean square and most probable speeds Finite size of molecules, Collision probability, distribution of free path from Maxwell's distribution, Degree of freedom, equipartition of energy.
(b) Transport phenomena:- Viscosity, thermal conduction and diffusion of gases, Brownian motion: Einstein theory, Perrin's work, determination of Avogadro number.
(c) Real gas:- Nature of intermolecular interaction: Isotherms of real gases, Vander-waals equation of state, critical constant of gas, law of corresponding states, Virial coefficients, Boyle's temperature.
(d) Conduction of heat:- Thermal conductivity, diffusivity, Fourier's equation of heat conduction- its solution for rectilinear and radial flow of heat.
(e) Radiation
(f) Basic concept
(g) First law of thermodynamics
(h) Second law of thermodynamics
(i) Thermodynamics functions
(j) Change of state
Group B
Electrostatics and Magnetism
(a) Gauss' Law
(b) Multipole expansion
(c) Dielectric
(d) Electrical Image
(e) Magnetic properties of matter
(f) Magnetic effect of electric current
lnmu physics hons Practical syllabus part 1
This paper consists of the following experiments. The examinee will be asked to performs any one of them within the duration of three hours. Full marks will be 50.
1. Kater's Pendulum
2. Bending of Beam
3. Elastic constant searle's method
4. Modulus of rigidity by (a) Statistical method, (b) Dynamical method
5. Surface tension of soap bubble
6. Surface tension by mercury.
7. Viscosity of water by Capillary flow.
8. Viscosity of air by Rankine method
9. Sonometer
10. Malde's experiment
11. Specific heat of solid by radiation correction method.
12. Thermal conductivity Lee's dise method
Subsidiary Subject syllabus of bsc part 1 physics
Click here for Mathematics syllabus
Group A
(1.) Gaseous state:- Equation of state, Postulates of kinetic theory of gas and kinetic equation of gas. RMS average and most probable velocity. Derivation from ideality. Vander Waal's constant, Ideal gas.
(2.) Chemical Kinetics:- Rate of reaction, Factor affecting rate of reaction or Molecularity and order of reaction. First and Second order reaction. Half life activation energy.
(3.) Chemical Equation:- Law of mass reaction, Equilibrium constant (Kp, Kc and Kx) Le-Chaterllier's Principle, Relationship Kp, Kc and Kx.
Group B
(1.) Structure of atom:- Isotope, Isobar and Isotone, J.J Thomson and Mullican's oil drop method of determining the change of an electron. Rutherford's model. Bhor's and defect. Correction, Theory of Atomic spectra, Afbau Principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Quantum no. Hund's rule. Electronic configuration writing for atom and ions.
(2.) Periodicity:- Electronic layout of the P.T. Classification of the elements. Periodicity-Atomic radii, Ionic radii, Ionization potential and energy. Electron affinity. Electronegativity, modal periodic table, Naming of element having atomic no. more than one hundred. Merit and demerit of P.T.
(3.) Chemical bounding:- Ionic bond, Hydrogen Bond, Metallic bond, Fajan's rule, Valence bond theory, Hybridization and shape and structure of simple covalent mlecules and ions, VSERP theory.
(4.) Chemistry of the element:- Occurence metallurgy, General characteristic, general chemistry and important compounds of Ag, Au, Sn, Pb and B.
General concept of Hybridization:- Shape and structure of simple organic compounds and ions. Tetravalent of carbon fission and its kinds. Reaction and its types and reagents and types. General Idea of Inductive effect. Mesomeric effect and hyper conjugation.
(2.) Alcohol:- Classification, Nomenclature, Dihydric and Trihydric Alcohol- Glycol, Glycerol-general method of preparation, properties and uses. Their occurrence and isolation, Structure of Glycerol.
(3.) Aldehydes, Ketone and carbocylic acid:- General method of Synthesis. Properties and uses. Difference between Aldehyde and Ketone, Reactivity and acid characters of Aldehyde and Ketone, Strength of carboxylic acid, Preparation of acid derivatives.
(4.) Amine and urea:- Structure, Nomenclature effect due to substituent's classification and separation of amine mixture ( Primary, secondary and tertiary), Basic strength of amine method of synthesis, Properties and urea preparation. Properties and uses.