CBSE Class 10 Science Exam: Last-Day Exam Hall Tips

Stay calm, take deep breaths, and manage time wisely during the exam. 

Read the question paper carefully in the first 15 minutes; plan your answers smartly. 

Attempt easy questions first to build confidence and save time for tough ones later. 

Write precise and to-the-point answers; avoid unnecessary explanations in short answers. 

Show proper steps in numerical answers; marks are awarded for method as well. 

Underline keywords in long answers; highlight formulas in Physics and Chemistry. 

Avoid overwriting and maintain clean handwriting for better readability. 

Reserve last 10-15 minutes to review your answers and correct mistakes. 

Label diagrams neatly and correctly; they can fetch easy marks in Science. 

Stay positive, don’t panic, and give your best effort—success will follow 

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