is science a blessing or a curse?

is science a blessing or a curse

Is science a blessing or a curse? this question is asked by many people so in this articles we will discuss about the deep discussion on science is blessing or curse. many people also search for science is blessing or curse essay in english. first of all “is science a blessing or curse” this topic is endless. but we will overview with deep analysis that is science a blessing or curse.

is science a blessing or a curse?

Is science a blessing or curse?

Is science a blessing or curse? the answer is science is blessing for us if we take it in good purpose but if we taken it in destroyed manner or purpose science can never be blessing for us. science is blessing for us because we can’t imagine our life without science. science is very important for us. even we covered with science. science is everywhere. for example Now, we are reading this articles on phone or laptop which is not possible if we can’t have proper technology. Now a day we have advanced technology, we have advanced intelligence, we have technology to communicate with other people no matter how far the other people is, we can easily communicate with them. these all we have now is just because of science and technology.
Now we have an overview or a little idea about Is science a blessing or curse? lets understand in details that Is science a blessing or curse. so, lets start with Is science a blessing for us?

Is science a blessing for us?

To find the answer of this question we have to analysis the whole concept of science. so lets start with science. first we have to think that if we do not have any technology or science intelligence which we have right now, What difficulty we have to face? first of all we can’t communicate to the other people within a second which we are doing in 21st century. If we want to communicate to other people What difficulty we face depends on how far the people is we have to communicate. If the person will be nearer then we face lower difficulty but if the person is far off we face big difficulty.

Another big problems faced by human beings transportation. if science and technology we have right now do not exist. we should not forget the means of transportation we have right now due to the science. we can’t imagine our life without science. transportation is widely used technology. now a day many of the goods and services are transported by the transportation. even people can travel due to the transportation. transportation plays an important role in our life. without transportation our life becomes difficult. we can’t imagine our life without means of transportation.

we have to answer the question Is science a blessing for us? before giving the answer of this question please keep in mind that we are living a luxurious life and a comfortable life just because of science. we can imagine life in 14th, 15th century when technology didn’t exist. we had the following problems that time.

  • we can’t communicate with other people very fast just within seconds.
  • we can’t travel round the world.
  • we can’t go out of the space.
  • we can’t connect with millions of people within a second.
  • we can’t live luxurious life.
  • we can’t calculate large numbers within seconds as we do in computer.
  • In one word we can’t do many stuff as we can do easily just because of science and technology.
Now after a long discussion we can say that yes science is blessing for us and without science we can’t imagine our life. Read the full article you’ll find the interesting thing that science is also a curse for us. Do not be confused. Let’s know how and why science is curse for us.

Science is curse for us.

science is curse for us because as we know that the rise of global warming leads dangerous poison like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, CFC or chloro floro carbon, etc. due to this harmful gas our ozone layer comes in danger. all these happens due to the factories and industries. but factories and industries leads an important role in the development of science and technology. this is not wrong if we say science is also curse for us by viewing all these things.
Now a day many abhayan starting by government like Narmada bachaoo, Ganga Bachaoo, save tree save life, green earth, planting tree and much more, because the negative impact of industries and factories also affect the earth and the drinking water. many of the industrial garbage dump into the sea water, many of the plastics, many of the chemicals, etc. due to this a lot of sea animals like whale, sea fish died because of eating plastics thrown by human beings. these are the pictures of sea fish which has dead by eating plastics.

is science a blessing or a curse?
Our country is developing very fast in the field of technology. we can now do all possible things which is impossible in 15th, 16th centuries. Now we are developing very fast due to the science and technology. we should have develop but every thing has two face one is positive or other is negative in the same way science has its own negative impact. Now industries and factories are growing by leaps and bounds and this is very important for our next generation. we should develop but not as to unhappy the nature. Nature has its own laws. if nature becomes unhappy or sad then no one be happy.

Disadvantage of science ( conclusion )

Everything has two aspects. in the same way science has also dark side. Atom bombs and other dangerous weapons. these weapons can destroy human beings as well as our earth. I don’t think that the ending of this discussion will be sadly or unhappy but this is true. we have to put our efforts to save the earth. If we can unhappy the nature, we must be happy the nature.

Now I conclude but seriously I am telling you. I wana just cry! Just think of it my dear friends.

Save the Earth! Save the Nature!

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