what is photoelectric effect

here is explanation of photoelectric effect, like what is photoelectric effect, Who discovered photoelectric effect, Who explained photoelectric effect, who invented photoelectric effect, what is meant by photoelectric effect, explain photoelectric effect in chemistry, physics, class 11 and class 12.
what is photoelectric effect

What is meant by photoelectric effect 

photoelectric effect stats that when sun light falls on a highly reactive metal plates ( here highly reactive metal means those metal who easily loss there electron ) and then electron emit by metals this phenomena is known photoelectric effect. In other words,
The photoelectric effect is the emission of electron when any electromagnetic radiation like light, falls on a material. electrons emitted in this way that can called be photoelectrons.

Who discovered photoelectric effect

According to the report of Encyclopedia Britannica photoelectric was discovered by German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz in 1887. when he worked on radio wave he observed that, when ultraviolet ray falls on two metal electrodes with a small amount of voltage applied across them , then the light changes the voltage.
but In 1905 Albert Einstein explains the phenomena of photoelectric effect, Einstein proposes that light is made up of small tiny particles called photons and then these photons falls on a metal surface then the electron on a metal surface emitted. note that the emission of electron depends on the frequency of the light means more frequency, more emission of electrons.
Do not think that photoelectric effect takes place only on metal surface, it can takes place on any material even on non-metal but the emission of electron on non-metal is very low and it taken as negligible. so we conclude that photoelectric effect can take place on any material.

Who explained photoelectric effect

The great scientist Albert Einstein explained the phenomena of photoelectric effect. photoelectric effect was discovered by Albert Einstein in 1905 due to this he won the first Noble Prize in his career. but his first and the last Noble prize is for photoelectric effect. He wanted to win Noble prize for his great discovery of “General Theory of Relativity” but couldn’t.

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