15 plus sample – Application for closing existing Bank Account

15 plus sample - Application for closing existing Bank Account

Application for closing existing bank account: If anyone wants to close their existing bank account due to some reasons. They have to write a request letter to the manager of the bank. But before writing make sure you have all the right documents available for closing a bank account.
Here are the documents required for closing a existing bank account. The documents are:- 
  • Id Proof (Any government card)
  • Pan card
  • Bank Passbook (Which account you want to close)
  • Debit card if available.
Please note that if the account is not your then you have to submit the identity proof of that person. And also you have to proof how that person has connected to you. (Any relation card or proof).

How do I write a letter to close my bank account?

The Bank Manager
Bank Name__________
Bank Address__________
Branch name__________
Subject:- Request letter for closing my existing bank account no. xxxxxxxxxx123
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I have to Inform you that I have an existing account in this bank [Bank Name]. My account number is xxxxxxxxxxx123. My name in this account is [Account Holder Name]. I want to close my account due to my personal reason. [Give reason if you can]. 
I, Therefore, requested you to please grant my application in further process.
Your Sincerely
[Account Number]

Sample letter to close bank account for business

_____Bank Manager
Bank Name________
Bank Address________
Branch Name____________
Subject:- Requesting to close bank account for business.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am an Account holder in your bank. [Bank Name]. I have a saving/current account with account number xxxxxxxx123 in this bank. My profession is business so that there is hardly requested to you to close my bank account.
I, Therefore, requested you to please help me to close this account no. xxxxxxxxx123.
Your sincerely
[Account holder Name]
[Account number]

Sample letter to close bank account and transfer funds

The Bank Manager
Bank Name____
Main Branch Name________.
Subject:- Requesting to close bank account and transfer funds.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Most Humbly and respectfully I beg to say I want to close my account with account number _______. My account holding name in the bank is ____________. Due to some personal reason I therefore requested you to please close my account and transfer the funds available on it into another account number ___________. This account is also in the same bank and branch.
Kindly grant my application and close the account. Also transfer the funds in other account number. So that I shall be thankful to you.
Your sincerely
[Closing Account Number______]
[fund transfer account Number__________]
Please note that attach all the documents regarding transfer fund. Please take suggestion from the bank.

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