COVID 19 a lesson for humans essay in 100, 50 words

COVID 19 a lesson for humans essay in 100, 50 words

Here you find the essay about this pandemic situation known as COVID 19 corona virus.

COVID 19 a lesson for humans essay in 100 words

In this age of corona virus there’s nothing to change in our country from last 2 years. This is not the first viruse in human history. Many of came and we fight to save to humanity and also human. But this was not so easy. If we want to win this game we have to hear of government. Not just hear but also we care ourselves. 
Taking some simple and tough steps can prevent us from COVID. These are:
  • Make social distance.
  • Ready to break the chain.
  • Do everything that government allow.
  • Do not shake hands.
  • Wear a good quality of mask.
  • Make patients and be confidential.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Use hand sanitizer.
These are the simple steps if you follow we can bring the changes for our future.
We all know that some days there will no COVID no any pandemic situation. We know we will win. But we have to promise for ourselves that nothing will be done in future that we came in the same situation.
We should learn a lesson from this COVID 19 for the growth of human beings.

COVID 19 a lesson for humans essay in 50 words

COVID 19 all of us are well known of this word. Before 1 and half years a news came that a virus is killing the people. But many of us didn’t believe about that. But as time passes scientist named it corona virus. After known as COVID 19.
This virus is responsible for the growth of human, for the growth of our country, for the growth of entire world. But what can we do, nothing!!.  No we can! And we will! But how ? 
Follow these simple tips to be protected by COVID 19.
  • Do not shake hands.
  • Wear a good quality of mask.
  • Make patients and be confidential.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Use hand sanitizer.

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