Lalit Narayan Mithila University: LNMU degree part 3 practical exam will start conducting from 22 September 2021 and last in 28 September 2021. The exam will conducted in the home center. Here in this post we have given the practical exam syllabus of all hons subjects as well as subsidiary or general subjects.
Zoology Hons part 3 practical syllabus
In part 3rd year zoology BSc honours. The practical will be of full marks of hundred. Out of which passing marks is 45. The time it is 6 hour. the practical syllabus for BSC Hons zoology part III will be given below.
1. Biochemistry:-
- Estimation of glucose by glucometer.
- Iodine test for starch.
- Millions test for protein.
2. Haematology:-
- Estimation of RBC and hemoglobin/differential count of WBC in different group of vertebrates.
- Determination of blood groups and ESR.
- Detection of glucose in urine.
3. Economic zoology:-
- Identification and description of two fishes provided/silk moth, musca, culex and Anopheles.
4. Endocrinology:-
- Study of endocrine gland through graphics and to comment upon endocrinological slides provided.
5. Presentation with the help of chart and models 10.
6. Class records
7. Viva-voice
Physics Hons part 3 practical syllabus
There Shall be three theory paper. Each of three hours duration and shall carry 100 marks each. There shall be one practical paper of 100 marks having six hours duration. The practical exam will conducted in two phases each of 50 marks with 3 hours.
- Junction Diode and its characteristic.
- Characteristic of the given Zener Diode.
- Verification of child Langmuir law
- BJT Characteristic
- Verification of true table with the logic hate.
- Power factor of an AC fan by three ammeter and three voltmeter.
- Measurement of capacity.
- Self Induction
Chemistry Hons part 3 practical syllabus
[Full Marks : 100
[ Pass Marks : 45 A. Any two of the following , one from each :
2×35 = 70
(A) Molecular mass calculation
(a) Victor Meyer’s method
(b) Duma’s method (B) Elevation in calculation by landsberger’s method. Depression
of freezing pt. calculation by thermometer (C) Viscosity or surface tension of liquid. 2 CAS Analysis of mixture of salts containing four radicals.
(B) Redox, Fitration : – Volumetric Analysis
c) Identification of organic compound and derivative production. (D) Preparation of dimethylglyoximate Ni (II) complex. tetra-ammine
copper (II) Complexes (E) Preparation of organic compounds : one step two steps reactio
nitration, Halogenation, Diazotization its coupling, Oxidation: B. Note Book C. Viva voce.