Here in this post we have given a pdf files of 4 to 6 pages that describes science and technology of ancient time. Now a day both science and technology developed very widely. But in ancient time, it was not so.
How science looks in ancient time? before knowing this lets see how it looks like now? so here are some lines on science that describes our present.
This is absolutely true that science is wonder. Without science we didn’t expects our life. Now a day science becomes our parts of daily life. We all covered with science and technology. Even our environment too. But there are some special wonders of science that if it didn’t then our life will not be like this today. Today we use phones, electric vehicles, motor, computer etc just because of science. But there are some common inventions in the past that if it didn’t invented then this all technology which we have right now, was not possible. So, given are the list of wonders of science.
Advantage of science
Disadvantage of science
Means of Computer
Modern devices
Social media
Space technology
Science and technology both plays a vital role in our life. Even in our day to day life. Our environment covered with science and technology.
Science and technology are the endless topics. There will be no any limit to talk about. But we will try to short these topics as possible as quickly.
How much science and technology affect our life. If shows by our behaviour. We wake up in the morning with our phone and go to bed with same. Actually science and technology are fully controls us. Don’t angry! This is the fact. But that’s not mean that science and technology are always bad for us. Sometimes it helps us more, Sometimes it makes our life easier. But this is also the fact that it destroyed our youth. Now a day, children loves more to play games on phone, not in field. Due to this the health affected. Even study affected. And the important thing children didn’t enjoy their childhood.
After a quite discussion on science and technology lets see the pdf files of science and technology in ancient time.
cience and technology both are the widely used words. Everyone heard about that in his or her life. Science and technology both are just as twins brother or we can say one soul two bodies hahaha. Science is world and world is science.
you can also say that, actually we covered with science and technology. our life depend on science and technology. we can’t imagine life without science and technology. it is very difficult now to spend life without science and technology. science and technology plays very important role in our life. we woke up in the morning due to alarm we go to bed after watching TV mobile.
We are travelling by bus train to the whole world. We can communicate to other people, entertain, we can connect to the whole world from a specific place, we can do all these things just because of science and technology, without science and technology life becomes painful hard in now a day. now scientist discovered the existence of life outside the Earth. this happens just because of science and technology which we have. now in future will have much more better technology to the compare of now.