How Rest and motion are related to each other – Relation with example

How Rest and motion are related to each other - Relation with example
If you follow this science laws journey with me from past some years. Then you must be aware of Physics chapter i.e, Motion. In Motion we have already studied a lot abut motion and moving things or objects. But apart from the motion in motion chapter, there is also a concept of Rest.
So, here we will discuss not only rest and motion but also how they both related to each other. we will try to understand it with the help of two most common and easily understandable examples. So lets get started.
In physics a things which can see, touch and feel is called object or body. It is the branch of physics which deals with the study of the object at rest and in motion. Object in rest A body is said to be rest if it does not change its position with respect to its surrounding with the passage of time. Object in motion If the position of the body changes its state with respect to its surrounding then body is called in motion.

Rest and motion are relative terms

Rest and motion are relative terms because object can be at rest with respect to one things and in motion with respect to some other things at the same time, so motion is not absolute, it is relative. for example—
  • Suppose you are sitting in a train which is moving then we are at rest with respect to the other passenger sitting in that compartment but in motion with respect to the objects on the ground.
  • Our house is at rest with respect to the other house on the earth but it is in motion with respect to an observer on the moon.

Types of motion

One dimension, two dimension motion, three dimension motion.
One dimension motion:- 
  • The motion in a straight lines is called one – dimension motion.
  • Moving of bus in a straight line.
  • Falling of an apple from tree.
  • If only co – ordinate is used from three co – ordinate x, y and z then the motion is one dimension motion.
Two dimension motion;-
  • Motion in a plane is called two dimension motion.
  • If only two co – ordinate is used from three co – ordinate x, y and z then it is called two dimension.
  • The motion of object in horizontal and vertical circle.
  • The earth revolving around the sun.
  • S carom coin in motion.
Three dimension motion;-
  • Motion in space is called three dimension motion.
  • If all co – ordinate is used then it is called three dimension motion.


  • If particles on the origin then its position will be zero.
  • If particles move along the positive direction of x – axis then its position positive.
  • If particles moves along the negative direction of x – axis then position negative.

Rest and motion are relative terms in physics, meaning they depend on the observer’s frame of reference. An object can be considered at rest or in motion depending on the perspective from which it is observed.

Relation Between Rest and Motion

  • Rest: An object is said to be at rest if it does not change its position relative to a reference point or observer over time.
  • Motion: An object is said to be in motion if it changes its position relative to a reference point or observer over time.

Both rest and motion are states of an object and are not absolute; they are determined by the observer’s frame of reference.

Example to show that rest and motion are relative terms

  1. Relative to the Earth:
    • A car moving on a road is in motion relative to a tree beside the road.
    • The same car is at rest relative to a person sitting inside it.
  2. Astronomical Perspective:
    • The Earth is in motion relative to the Sun as it revolves around it.
    • A person sitting on Earth is at rest relative to the Earth’s surface but in motion relative to the Sun.

Key Insight:

The concept of rest or motion is not absolute but always relative to the observer’s point of reference. This relativity is a cornerstone of understanding motion in physics, as highlighted in theories like Galileo’s principle of relativity and Einstein’s theory of relativity.

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