Science class 10 notes Nuclear reaction full detailed explain

Science class 10 notes Nuclear reaction full detailed explain

Nuclear reaction:- when a nucleus interact with another nucleus or a particle is like neutron resulting in the formation of nuclei then this process is called a nuclear reaction.
Science class 10 notes Nuclear reaction full detailed explain

Nuclear reaction follow the following laws

  1. the number of proton before the nuclear reaction is same as the number of protons after the nuclear reaction.
  2. The total number of a nucleus before and after the nuclear reaction is same.
  3. The total mass of the product is not equal to the reactant.
Difference between chemical reaction and nuclear reaction.
Chemical reaction:-
  • Nucleus does not participate in this reaction.
  • No new atom are formed in this reaction.
  • Involve a small amount of energy charge.
Nuclear reaction:- 
  • Nucleus participate in this reaction.
  • New atoms are formed.
  • Involve a large number of energy charge.

Nuclear fission:-

Science class 10 notes Nuclear reaction full detailed explain

It is the process in which is building of atom into two or more smaller one.
Example when slow moving neutron strikes the uranium 235 nucleus than Uranium spilt into to one or more smaller one.

Nuclear fusion:-

Science class 10 notes Nuclear reaction full detailed explain
it is the process in which two or mod lighter nuclei combine to form a heavy and stable nucleus. Resulting in a release of enormous amount of energy.

Condition for nuclear fusion reaction:-

  • For nuclear fusion reaction order of the temperature is 10 to the power 7 to 10 to the power 8 Kelvin.
  • the target nuclei can be accelerated at very high energy in practical accelerator and guide to target nucleus.

Nuclear force:-

  • It is strong attractive force between nucleus in the atomic nucleus that hold the nucleus.
  • It is the force that act between the proton and a neutron of the atom.

Nuclear chain reaction:-

  • It is series of nuclear fission is initiated by neutron produced in a preceding fission.
  • when is slow neutron hits a uranium 235 nucleus it breaks up into nuclei of barium 140 and chromium 93 and 3 neutrons producing large amount of energy these three neutrons cows fission of another 3 uranium 235 producing 9 more neutrons and more energy and the chain reaction continuous until explosion takes place.

Types of Nuclear chain reaction:-

  1. Controlled chain reaction
  2. Uncontrolled chain reaction
Controlled chain reaction:-
A nuclear fission reaction in which only one neutron from a fission and able to cause another fission and the remaining exta neutrons are removed by controlled rod without causing any fusion is called a controlled nuclear fission.
Uncontrolled nuclear fission:-
In an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction three neutrons are produced for each uranium by striking them in slow motion and then three neutrons also strikes another 3 uranium and produce more neutron and does the chain reaction continue until explosion takes place.

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