format of letter to the editor
learn here the format of letter to the editor, format of letter to the editor for school, and much more. Letter writing was very famous in earlier era, but it is also now very famous. Formal letter and Informal letter are the two types of letter. Here is we discuss about only formal letter. formal letter is written to the editor of the newspaper, bank manager, and many other sectors. Many of the student learnt format of letter to the editor in their school time as well.
Format on how to write a letter to the editor
Letter to the editor. here below are the full format on how to write a letter to the editor. This format is also used in exam for student. lets understand the full format of letter to the editor or how to write a formal letter to the editor. lets understand this by an example given below.
Letter to the Editor
You are Sakshi/Mohit of 312, sector 20, Chandigarh. You feel concerned about the growing craze for fast food among the youngsters. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in this regard.
Sender’s address 312, Sector 20
Date:- 15th April, 2020
Receiver’s address The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Subject: Views about the craze for fast food
Kindly Publish the following lines in your esteemed newspaper.
It is observed lately that the youngsters have developed fondnessfor fast food. They ignore the home-made, nutritious food and eat pizzas, burgers and french fries. No doubt fast food is cheap, tasty and is prepared quickly, but it lacks nourishing value. The fast food items cannot replace milk, green vegetables and fruits., Moreover fast food is prepared in unhygienic surroundings and is mostly spicy Which is not good for health.
Those how consume fast food regularly and in excess fall victims to ailments like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Thus it should not be taken regularly. One may eat it occasionally for a change of taste.
The youngsters should be conscious of their physical health. In order to become healthy, strong and robust, they should take home-made dishes, pulses, fruit juices and salads. Thus home-made food should be preferred to fast food.
Subscription ⟶ Yours faithfully
Name ⟶ Mohit