examples of diffraction of light in everyday life

examples of diffraction of light

Here is a collection of top 10 plus examples of diffraction of light. which we observed in our day to day life. In our daily life. we observe many natural phenomena that occur on earth. something which we can understand believed on it, and something which we can’t understand, we surprise likely to be unbelievable. but not in actual. every natural cause has its own theories and laws.
Well, Today we will discuss about diffraction of light that is a natural phenomena which occur in our day to day life, which is easily observable to us. but before discuss about diffraction of light. we should understand the term Diffraction.

What is Diffraction of light?

When an obstacle or aperture is in the path of a wave, the wave bends around the corners of the obstacle or aperture. This bending of wave around the corners of an obstacle or aperture is called diffraction.
All waves exhibit the phenomenon of diffraction. Diffraction effects occur with longitudinal as well as transverse waves.

Diffraction of light 

The phenomenon of bending of light wave around the corners of an obstacle or aperture is called diffraction of light.

Due to the bending of light around the corners of an obstacle or aperture, the light deviates from its straight line path and enters into the geometrical shadow of the obstacle. The bending or diffraction of light becomes much more pronounced when the size of the obstacle or aperture is comparable to the wavelength of light. thus the smaller the size of the aperture, the greater is the bending of light around the corners of the obstacle or aperture and vice-versa.

examples of Diffraction of light
According to Huygen’s principle, the aperture acts as a new source of secondary wavelets.
The following points are worth noting about the diffraction of light.
  • Diffraction of light is not easily noticed because the obstacles and the apertures of the size of wavelength of light 10 to the power -6.
  • In ray optics, we ignore diffraction and assume that light travels in straight lines. this assumption is responsible because under ordinary conditions, diffraction of light is negligible.
  • The smaller the size of the obstacle the greater the bending of light around the corners and vice-versa.

Top 10 examples of diffraction of light in everyday life.

  1. Laser light shows diffraction by using blade
  2. Ring around moon due to diffraction on water droplets
  3. Diffraction of light by telescope
  4. Diffraction of light by optical instrument
  5. Diffraction of light in CD or DVD disk
  6. Diffraction of light in Measure scale
  7. Diffraction of light in diamond cut glass
  8. Diffraction of light in Sky after rain
  9. Diffraction of light in book hologram
  10. Diffraction of light to form shadow of an object
  11. Diffraction by bending of light at the corner edge of an object
  12.  Rainbow is formed due to diffraction
To understand these examples of diffraction of light in more detailed then read further. below are the full explanation of all the examples of diffraction of light in detail.

Types of Diffraction

The diffraction phenomenon is generally divided into the following two classes:
  • Fraunhofer’s diffraction:- This type of diffraction takes place at a narrow slit when parallel rays of light (or plane wavefront) are incident on it. clearly both the source and the screen should be at infinite distance from the narrow slit. To obtain Fraunhofer’s diffraction in the laboratory, we use a conversing lens. 

Note:– you can understand it by taking an example of Young’s Double slit experiment. this experiment shows that how a narrow slit diffract a light wave or plane wavefront and fall on a screen and formed a fringe width. 

  • Fresnel’s diffraction:- This type of diffraction takes place at a narrow slit when non-parallel rays of light are incident on it. In this case, the source of light is close to the slit so that the wavefront is either spherical or cylindrical. the screen is also at a finite distance from the slit. Fresnel’s diffraction is rather complex to treat quantitatively.

examples of diffraction of light in everyday life

In our day to day life, we observe many natural phenomenon. like formation of rainbow after heavy rain, formation of seven colour when light pass through curve glass, glowing of DVD disk when viewed by some angle etc. but we are not so curious about to know how this phenomenon happens. or what’s the reason behind this. So today, we will discuss about such natural phenomenon that happens with us in our daily life, but we ignore that.

1. laser light shows diffraction by using blade

In their life, every one used laser light. but do you know laser light shows diffraction of light after passing through two blade. If blades are arrange in such a way that the edge gap between the blades are narrow slit then passing light through that slit shows diffraction of light. 
This experiment is same as Young’s double slit experiment. If you do not understood this laser light experiment then take a look on the below video, you will understand.

2. Ring around moon due to diffraction on water droplets

Everyday there are many natural phenomenon happen on earth as well as in universe. some of them are observed by human some are not. but we are not so curious to know the reason behind that phenomenon. formation of ring around the moon is one of them natural phenomenon. which look amazing. but how they happens. so lets know the reason behind this phenomenon.
Formation of ring around moon is due to the diffraction of light. this types of diffraction occur once in a long time. this happens as when sun, earth and moon comes in a straight line then the moon covers the whole sun for some times and due to diffraction of light coming from the sun bends around the moon’s edge and a ring formation is like to occur when seen from the earth.

3. Diffraction of light by telescope

telescope shows diffraction of light. when we see any objects from telescope then telescope forms image of an object which we see in the form of point source which is coming from the object and these point sources collect in the focal plane of the telescope. these point image is created by wave interference around the the focal point. due to the diffraction of light the point sources produces various interference or diffraction in the image formed in the telescope.

4. Diffraction of light by optical instrument

In optical instrument like telescope, Microscope, camera lenses etc. shows diffraction of light. camera lens are the best examples of diffraction of light in our daily life. we can easily observe the diffraction pattern in camera lenses. After viewing the camera lenses from some angle in bright sunlight, diffraction of light can easily observed.

5. Diffraction of light in CD or DVD disk

In day to day life we all must saw the CD or DVD disk, and also played with them. but many of us can’t notice one physics phenomenon that happens on CD or DVD disk. If we see the CD disk from some angle in bright light then we saw a rainbow pattern on the polished side of the DVD disk. that pattern of colours are due to diffraction of light.
In CD or DVD disk, there are many small peaces of narrow chip placed in the polished side of the disk. this narrow chip stores the data. and made up of thin plane shiny sheets. When a ray of light falls on that part of the disk, the disk appears like rainbow. due to the diffraction of light.

6. Diffraction of light in Measure scale

every student in their life must be use a scale in childhood. If we notice that scale scattering a white light into seven colour. many of the student play with them and become happy, when they seen a rainbow on their scale. I am also played with them.😃😃😃.
But what the reason behind that scattering of light phenomenon. we should curious about to know that, but we don’t.
The reason behind the formation of rainbow on measuring scale is due to the diffraction of light. (or refraction of light). this happens as when a beam of white light falls on the edge of measuring scale then it’s edge scattering that white light into seven colour and the formation of rainbow takes place.

7. Diffraction of light in diamond cut glass

everyone saw a diamond cut glass in their life. diamond cut glass are used in decorative items. If we see any decorative items having a diamond cut glass on it, then we will notice that when sunlight or other source of light falls on the the glass it diffract light to the another way and formed seven colour like rainbow.
But everyone have a doubt that How this phenomenon of diffraction of light happens in diamond cut glass? so lets understand it. even it is very simple. the same principle works on it as in the glass prism. we know that a glass prism scattering a white light into seven colour due to the diffraction of light. In the same way white light diffract in the diamond cut glass.

8. Diffraction of light in Sky after rain

In rainy season we are waiting to see the rainbow. but, how rainbow is formed? a simplest asked question by many people. so the reason behind the formation of rainbow is due to the scattering of white light into seven colour.
Rainbow is formed due to the diffraction of white light in the sky in some cases. this happens as, In rainy season the water droplets are present in the sky. the water droplets are in the shape of spherical and when a beam of white light falls on the water droplets it diffract the light in the sky and formation of rainbow takes place.

FAQ on examples of diffraction of light in everyday life

What are some examples of diffraction?
Diffraction of light in book hologram.
Diffraction of light to form shadow of an object.
Diffraction by bending of light at the corner edge of an object.
Rainbow is formed due to diffraction.
Is a rainbow An example of diffraction?
The actual meaning of diffraction is the interference of light wave passed through a slit and form a fringe when falls on a screen. Rainbow formation works on the principal of refraction of light. Not diffraction of light. But in some cases diffraction of light is responsible for formation of rainbow.

What are the two types of diffraction?
The diffraction phenomenon is generally divided into the following two classes:
Fraunhofer’s diffraction:- This type of diffraction takes place at a narrow slit when parallel rays of light (or plane wavefront) are incident on it.
Fresnel’s diffraction:- This type of diffraction takes place at a narrow slit when non-parallel rays of light are incident on it.

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