We have all studied about Inertia in our last post. i.e, Inertia is the tendency of a body to remains its in state of rest of uniform motion.
Hence, there are some physics phenomena that blow our mind. But if you understand the reason behind that perticular phenomenon we will surprised.
Out of the many phenomena of science. One most interesting phenomena is that when we throw a ball or something in a uniformly moving train. The ball didn’t drop in our backward. It falls down in our hand. Yes it happens so. Let’s find out how?
Why does a ball thrown vertically upward in a moving train come back to the thrower sand?
As we know the train is moving with uniform velocity. Now, let’s suppose we are the passenger of that train.
Stand up in the moving train and throw a ball. Now, if we observed clearly that when we throw the ball vertically in the upward direction. Actually we applied a force in the upward direction just perpendicular to the train bottom surface.
But there is also a one more force applied to the ball which we couldn’t be observed. The force was due to the movement of train in uniform motion.
This force acted on the ball in the direction of between the movement of the train and to the perpendicular direction.
Let’s see the graph represents the case of a ball thrown vertically upwards and returning to the hand of the thrower.
In this fig. point A is the throwing point where we thrown a ball. Point B is the resting point of the ball. And point C is that point where ball returned to the hand of the thrower.
Hence, we concluded that the ball thrown vertically upward in a uniformly moving train falls down in other hand of the thrower because of the inertia of motion and also there are two forces acted on the ball.