Welcome to the never ending test series for SSC CHSL exam 2022. Before this post we have already discussed two test series in general science including physics, chemistry and biology.
In the same way, we will also discuss at least 20 questions in general science from subjects physics, chemistry and biology.
Please note that, this series of general science run by science laws website is the best option for practicing of SSC CHSL exam.
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If you want to score more and more in SSC CHSL exam then follow science laws.
Here you can practice all general science questions that has came in previous SSC CHSL exam.
After following this website, your tension from general science in any government exam will be free.
SSC CHSL general science MCQ question test series.
1. Beri Beri caused due to which vitamin deficiency?
a. Vitamin A – 1
b. Vitamin B – 12
c. Vitamin A – 12
d. Vitamin B – 1
2. Wooden Satellite belongs to which country?
a. America
b. Japan
c. China
d. India
3. Neutron was discovered by:
a. J. J Thomson
b. James Chadwick
c. Rutherford
d. Albert Einstein
4. When alkali reacts with water then which gas forms?
a. Nitrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen
d. Helium
5. Which chemical gives green color to firecracker?
a. Barium
b. Phosphorus
c. Sulphur
d. Sodium
6. 7. World TB Day is observed on:
a. On 21st March
b. On 23 rd March
c. On 15 th April
d. On 24th March
7. What is the chemical formula of Blue Vitriol?
a. CuSo4 + 2H2O
b. CuSo4 + 3H2O
c. CuSo4 + 6H2O
d. CuSo4 + 5H2O
8. Scientific name of Potato
a. Solanum tuberosum
b. Mangifera
c. Musa
d. Malus
9. Scientific name of Apple leaf
a. Solanum tuberosum
b. Mangifera
c. Musa
d. Malus
10. Scientific name of Banana
a. Solanum tuberosum
b. Mangifera
c. Musa
d. Malus
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