SSC CHSL 2022 Exam : Previous Year Question Paper MCQ Test series – 5

SSC CGL 2022 Exam : Previous Year General Science MCQ Test series

Here is the collection of previous year question paper for SSC CHSL or CGL exam. The Exam that will held on 2022 May or June. So, given below are the collection of 10 most important question in the form of MCQ types. Test your potential to solve it correctly. 

Previous Year Question Paper for SSC CHSL General Science

1. The de Broglie equation suggests that an electron has 
a. Particle Nature
b. Wave Nature
c. Particle Wave Nature
d. Radiation behaviour
2. The electron in an Atom
a. Move randomly around the nucleus
b. Has fixed Space around the nucleus
c. Its stationary in various energy level.
d. moves round its nucleus in definite energy.
3. Which of the following is never true for cathode rays?
a. They posses kinetic energy
b. They are electronegativity waves
c. They produce mechanical pressure
4. A neutral atom having atomic number = 71 has
a. electron and proton
b. neutron and electron
c. electron, Proton and neutron
d. neutron and proton
5. The number of nodal planes d orbital has
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 0
6. Which orbital of the carbon absorbs proton but not emit it?
a. 1S
b. 2S
c. 3p
d. 2p
7. Planks Constant has the same dimensions as that of 
a. Power
b. Work
c. radiant energy
d. angular momentum
8. According to Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom, which of the following is quantised for an electron?
a. Angular momentum
b. Angular Acceleration
c. Acceleration 
d. Velocity

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