How I spent my lockdown days essay for class 5

How I spent my lockdown days essay for class 5
How I spent my lockdown days essay for class 5
Lockdown days was very painful to us. Due to the corona virus so called Chinese virus spread out all over the world. Not only India but also COVID affected many countries so called big and powerful countries.
How I spent my days during lockdown paragraph.
In lockdown days many of the people just watch movies, online shows and etc. I have also but when lockdown expands for 3 months by the announcement of our P.M Narendra Modi then I think we have to utilise these time into some useful time. 
In lockdown days I read some useful books. I build my concepts of class 5. I have read all my class 5 school books provided by the school.
Apart from the study I did some extra curricular activities. I played indoor games like ludo, carrom board etc.  
Essay no. 2

How I spent my lockdown days essay in english.

In lockdown days I have done a lots of work such as playing, reading, cooking, dancing, singing and much more. And of course I ate all my favourite food that was cooked by my mummy. 
In lockdown days I spent my most of the time in studies. I have read all my class 5 standard book 📖📚. Apart from the book provided by the school. I have also read some non fictional story book. I learnt tens, voice and other portion of grammar from Oxford basic grammar. 
In lockdown days I also played indoor games like ludo, carrom board etc. I played a lot in lockdown days. Most of the I spent in lockdown is for playing because during lockdown days our health affected very much. So just because of the fitness of the body I also did some common exercises.
So that’s how I spent my lockdown days.

Essays on how I spend my lockdown period at home for school

Lockdown this word is well known for all of us since last year. We all get frustrated from this pandemic situation. But this essay is not writting to abuse the time time of lockdown. In this essay I told my whole experiences and what I did, how I spend the lockdown period.
In lockdown when everyone and everything became lazy and inactive. I was also. But after the news of re-lockdown, I decided to do something that would utilitise my time or make my time profitable. So I decided to do yoga. 
Why goya? Because in lockdown I have gained some weight and due to that I looses my metabolism energy. Sometimes I felt energy less. Just because of my gained weight. Because this is scientifically proven that if anyone gain fat more than muscles percentage then their body becomes energy less. 
So I also felt as. But I did yoga and some home indoor workout and I am serious, yes I lose 10 kgs of weight. Not only weight but also I returned my metabolism power. 
When I started workout I couldn’t do pushups more than 3 😂😂 seriously I am not joking. But after 14 to 15 days I can did 10 pushups. This happened not only with pushups but also with planks. In early stage of workout I couldn’t hold planks more than 10 second but after some time I could be for at least 30 seconds.
So this was my experiences and time utilising formula of lockdown. 

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