Here is the full syllabus of honours chemistry part 1, 2 and 3 respectively. these 1st, 2nd year and 3rd year bsc syllabus comes under the college of Lalit Narayan Mithila Universities. Basically this chemistry honours syllabus is design to keep in mind of LNMU criteria. The pdf of this syllabus is also available in the following below of the post. You can simply click on download button to save pdf files.
LNMU mathematics hons full syllabus with subsidiary for part 1, 2 and 3. click here
LNMU physics hons full syllabus with subsidiary for part 1, 2 and 3. click here chemistry honours syllabus is in three part, first year, second year and third year. So first of all we discuss bsc chemistry 1st year syllabus, then we discuss bsc chemistry 2nd year syllabus and then we discuss bsc chemistry 3rd year syllabus. But at last we also given the pdf link to download bsc chemistry honours syllabus. So lets start with bsc chemistry 1st year syllabus.
LNMU part 1 chemistry syllabus
In Lalit Narayan Mithila Universities . There are two paper in chemistry hons part 1. namely paper 1 and paper 2. In paper 1 there will be 10 questions together from Physical and Inorganic chemistry. Out of 10 questions from both physical and Inorganic. One short answer type question will be compulsory from whole syllabus of part 1.
Paper 1
There are total two groups in paper 1. Group A and Group B. Five questions will have to be answered at least one from each group. You can attempt four from group A and one from Group B or three from Group A and two from Group B. So it’s will be your choice. but at least one from Group A or B.
These are the following only topics that will be asked from Group A and B.
Group A – Physical Chemistry
(1.) Gaseous state:- The topic are Postulates of the kinetic theory of gases. Kinetic gas equation. RMS Average and most probable velocities. Deviation from idealists, Vander Waal’s equation of states. Critical phenomenon- critical constants of gas, the relationship between critical constants and Vander Waal’s constant. Law of corresponding states. Reduced equation of states. Liquidification of gases, Boyle’s Temperature.
(2.) Solid State:- The topics are Types of solids, Types of crystals and forces there in Law of crystallography. Crystal Lattices. Space Lattice, Unit Cell. Radius ratio rule. Co-ordination number. Miller & Weiss Indices X-Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s Equation. Crystal structure of NaCl and KCI.
(3.) Colloidal State:- The topics are Difference amongst the true solution, Colloidal Solution and Suspension, Difference between Lyophilic and Lyophobic Colloids, Kinetic optical and electrical properties of Colloids. Stability of Colloids, Hardy Schulz Law. Coagulation, Gold Number, Peptisation, Dialysis. Sols, Emulsions and Gels. Application of colloids.
Group B Inorganic Chemistry
(1.) Atomic Structure:- Idea of de Broglie matter waves. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schrodinger wave equation, the significance of wave functions. Atomic orbitals, Quantum numbers, Aufbau and Paulis exclusion principles. Hund’s multiplicity rule. Variation of orbital energies with atomic number and energy level diagram, electronic configuration of elements, effective nuclear charge and shielding, radial and angular wave functions and distribution curves. The shape of the spad. Orbitals and their characteristics. Thomson’s & Mullican’s method for determination of charge of an electron
(2.) Periodic Properties:- The electronic layout of the elements in P. T classification atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electrode potential (use of redox potential reaction feasibility), electron affinity and electronegativity-definition, methods of determination or evaluation, trends in periodic table and applications in predicting and explaining the chemical behavior.
(3.) Chemical Bonding:- The topics are (i) Ionic Bond: Types of ionic solids, radius ratio effect and coordination number, limitations of radius ratio. Lattice defects. Lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle, solvation energy and solubility of ionic solids. polarizing power and polarizability, Fagan’s rules
(ii)Covalent Bond:- Valence bond theory and its limitations, directional characteristics of the covalent bond, various types of hybridization and shapes of simple in molecules and ions such as NH, H1o. SFA, CIF, ICI, and H,0 by valence shell electron pair theory, a linear combination of atomic orbitals repulsion (VSEPR) e-nonbonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. (LCAO).
(iii) Bond Energy:- Dissociation and average bond energies determination. Periodic trends and applications. Metallic Bond. Free electron, valence bond, and band theories. Weak Interactions Hydrogen Bond-experimental evidence, Vander Waal’s forces.
(4.) s block elements:- (i) Hydride (classification. general method) Hydration energies.
(5.) p-Block Elements:- Comparative study (Group-wise) of group 13 & 14 elements with respect to periodic properties.Compounds such as hydrides, halides, oxides, and oxyacids diagonal relationship. Preparation, properties, Preparation, properties and technical applications of carbides and fluorocarbons, Silicons and structural principles of silicates.
(ii) Ozone:- Preparation, properties uses and structure, and the ozone layer.
(iii) Boron:- occurrence, extraction, properties-Compounds-diborane. borazine, alkali metal borohydrides.
(iv) Tin & Lead:- Occurrence, Metallurgy (Extraction), properties use and important compounds including while Lead. Read Lead. Deadening of Tin, Analytical Test of Sn+2, Sn+4.
(v) Noble Gas Discovery:- Isolation, Separation Chemical properties and uses of Xenon and its compounds (Elementary Ideas).
(6. )Air Pollution and its control.
(7.) SOAP
Paper 2
In paper 2 there are also two Groups having Physical and organic chemistry. In Group A and B respectively. So here are the topics that will come from Group A and Group B.
Please note that in paper 2 there is similar method of asking questions as we discussed in paper 1. Here is short revision.
In paper 2 there will be 10 questions together from Physical and organic. Out of 10 questions from both physical and organic. One short answer type question will be compulsory from whole syllabus of part 2.
Group A – Physical Chemistry
1. Solutions (Colligative Properties): Type of solutions-Ideal and Non-ideal Solutions. Raoult’s Law for the dilute solution. Deviation of Non-ideal Solutions from ideality. Lowering of Vapour Pressure. Elevation of boiling point. Depression of freezing point Determination of Molecular Weight of Solutes using these colligative properties. Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure its experimental determination. The relation between Osmotic Pressure. Concentration and Temperature. Abnormal Molecular Weight.
2. Ionic Equilibrium: Modern Concepts of Acids and Bases. Arrhenius Theory of Acid and Base. Bronsted and Lewis’s theory. Ionic Product of water pH, poH and pKn, Buffer solution, Henderson’s Equation. Solubility Product and its application in qualitative analysis.
3. Chemical Kinetics: Molecularity and order of reaction, Kinetics of first and second-order reactions Half-life period for the first and second-order reactions. Kinetics of decomposition of H,0,. Inversion of Cane sugar and hydrolysis of esters. Zero-order reactions. Determination of order of reactions.
Group B – Organic Chemistry
1. Bonding and General Concepts:- Tetravalency of carbon, Isomerism structure & Stereo Isomerism elementary idea, Nomenclature of the fused ring system, Spiro compound, bridge boded compounds, cyclic and polycyclic compounds, Bond energy. Bond length, Bond angle, Hydrogen bond, and hybridization.
2. Reactions mechanism: Inductive effect, Electromeric effect Mesomeric effect, Hyperconjugation. Fission, types of reagent Reaction and its types-Substitution, Addition and Elimination reactions with the mechanism-Simple and elementary idea.
3. Polyhydroxy Compounds: Glycol, Glycerol, isolation, chemical method of preparations. Properties, structure, and identification, pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement. Periodic acid, oxidation of Glycol & Glycerol.
4. Amines and Urea: Amines: Classification. Preparation, properties. Uses and test aliphatic and aromatic amines. Preparation properties and uses, Hofmann’s Bromamide reaction, Carbylamine reactions Diazoreaction. Diazo-coupling reaction. Urea Preparation, properties. Uses. Bitrate test, the structure of urea. Estimation of urea in a given sample.
5. Aldehyde & Ketones: Structure of the carbonyl group. Preparation. Properties and uses. Aldol condensation. acetal formation. Cannizaro’s reaction. Clemenson reduction. Wolf Kishner reduction. Popoff’s rule. Acidic properties and reactivity of aldehyde and ketones.
6. Carboxylic acid and derivatives: Structure, Acid strength preparation, properties and uses of carboxylic acid, ester acid chloride anhydrides. Hell vol hard Zelinsky reaction Decarboxylation of acid.
LNMU part 2 chemistry syllabus
In Lalit Narayan Mithila Universities . There are two paper in chemistry hons part 2. namely paper 3 and paper 4. In paper 3 there will be 10 questions. Out of 10 questions one short answer type question will be compulsory from whole syllabus of part 2.
Paper 3 – Theory
Pass Marks : 34 PHYSICAL & INORGANIC CHEMISTRY] Ten questions to be set Three from Group-A, Very short answer type Which is compulsory. Altogether Five questions to be answered at least one from each group. Questions should be selected in the manner so that whole syllabus be covered as far as possible.
Group A – Physical Chemistry
1. Thermodynamics : Types of systems, Macroscopic properties, thermodynamic equilibrium state of system, reversible and irreversile process. Isothermal, adiabatic, isochoric and isobaric process, perfect differentials. First law of thermodynamics, internal energy and enthalpy and their significance, molar heat capacities (C. and C) and their relations, Relationship between P, V and T in adiabatic process.
Spontaneous and nonspontaneous processes, Second law of thermodynamics, Camot’s theorem, Camot’s cycle, concept of entropy and its physical significance, entropy change, free energy and work function, Gibbs, Helmoltz equation, Clausis—Clapeyron equation, Van’t Hof equation. Vant Hoff isotope and Van’t Hoff isotherm (applications).
2. Phase Equilibrium : Phase, components, degree of freedom, Phase rule equation. Phase equilibrium of one component system-water system & sulphur system. Triple point, Reduced phase rule equation. Phase diagram and and its dicussion of two component system (Pb-Ag and KI-H2O), Eutectic point.
Group B – Inorganic chemistry
1. Chemistry of d-block Element: General chemistry of first transition series element with respect to electronic configuration, position in PT: Oxidation states. Colour of ions, magnetic properties complex formation, formation of alloys properties.
Chemistry of Cr, Mn, Co & Ni with respect to ores extraction, properties, uses and their important compounds.
2. Co-ordination Chemistry : Simple double & and complex salts. Wemer’s theory, IUPAC nomenclature of complex compounds. Isomerism in complex compounds, EAN rule, valence bond theory approach, studies of the complex compound with Co-ordination no. 4 & 6.
3. Chemistry of Fluorine : General chemistry of fluorine, Preparation, Properties and use of Fluorine, analytical test of fluoride ions.
4. Oxides, Oxy acids and Peroxy acids of Sulphur: General chemistry of oxides. Oxy acids of sulphur & selenium (preparation, properties, uses and structure) their stability and structure, peroxy acid and thionic acid; Preparation, Properties, uses and their structure.
5. Chemical Bonding: M. O. theory, M. O. diagram of simple homonuclear (H, N, O2, F,) and heteronuclear (NO and CO) diatomic molecules, atomicity, bond order, bond energy. Electron deficient molecules, tau bond (Banana bond) Dipole moment, percentage ionic character. Electronegativity difference and dipole moment difference in determining the ionic character.
Application of dipolemoment in structure determination of simple molecules of the type AB, AB2, AB3, AB, etc.
6. Analytical tests : Solubiolity product and its application in analytical tests of Basic radicals and Acid radicals, Test of NH + Na+, K+, Mg++, Fett, Fe+++, Cr++, Co+++, Sn++, Sn++++, Ag+, Pb++ Cl-, Brl-, NO, -SO4–00, and interfering radicals (phophates & borates).
7. Water Pollution and its Control.
8. Portland Cement : Introduction. Other ypes of cement. Types of portland coment. Reaction in the Killn. Setting of cement. Properties of cement. ISI Specification of Cement.
Paper 4 Theory
Pass Marks : 34 PHYSICAL & INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Ten questions to be set Three from Group-A, Very short answer type Which is compulsory, Altogether Five questions to be answered at least one from each group. Questions should be selected in the manner so that whole syllabus be covered as far as possible.
1. Electrochemistry : Conductivity of electrolyte solution. Specific conductance. Equivalent conductance. Molar conductance. Effect of dilution on diferent types of conductance. Cell constant. Kohlrauch’s law. Application of conductivity measurement. Migration of ions. Transference. Transport number and its determination (Hittorf’s method and moving boundary method) Types of reversible electrodes. Reference electrode. Single electrode potential. Standard electrode potential. Nemst’s equation for electrode potential. EMF of a cell. Application of EMF measurement. Hydrogen electrode. Calomel eletrodes. Quahydrone electrode.
2. Catalysis : Catalyst and catalysis, Positive, Negative and Autocatalysis, Characteristics of a catalyst. Classification of catalysis. Acid Base catalysis. Theory of heterogeneous catalysis. Promotors and poison. Enzyme. Catalysis and its mechanism. Tumover number.
1. Active methylene Compounds : Ethyl etoacetate—Keto-Enol Tautomerism, Synthetic metods for preparation propertie
LNMU part 3 chemistry syllabus
Paper-V : Physical Chemistry
[Pass Marks : 45 Ten question to be set in which one question (very short answer type) is compulsory. Five to be answered.
1. Elementary Quantum Mechanics : A review.of black body radiation, Planck’s radiation law. Matter wave duality, de broglie equation, Heisenberg’s. Uncertainty Principle. Postulates of quantum mechanics. Schrodinger wave equation. Eigen function and Eigen value, Quantum rechamical operation Physical interpretaion of wave function. Particle in one dimensional and three dimensional box, Zero point energy, degeneracy & problems.
2. The Thermodynamics : Partial molar properties, Detinition and significance. Variation of chemical potential with P & T. Gibbs Duhem equation, Third law of thermodynamics and its application.
3. Chemical Kinetics : Arrheenius theory, Collision theory and Activated complez. Lory of reaction rates. Energy of activation, entropy of activation.
4. Photochemistry : Thermal and Photochemical reactions, Law of photochemical equivalence. Quantum efficiency. Reasons for low and high quantum efficiency, Kinetics of photochemical reaction (H2 + Br2 = 2HBr and 2HI = H2 +12) Qualitative description of fluorescence & Phosphorence with jablonsky díagram.
5. Electrochemistry : Concentration cells with transference and without transference, Liquid junction potential and its elimination. Application of concentration cells. Theory of indicators.
6. Spectroscopy : Electromagnetic radiation. Regions of electromagnatic spectrum. Translational potential, Vibrational and electronic energy of molecules. Born-oppheirner approximation and molecular expectra and its types. Degrees of freedom. Elementary ideas of I.R., U.V. and NMR spectroscopy (Qualitative only).
7. Surface chemistry : Adosrption, Factors affecting adsorption, Chemisorption & Physiosorption. Adosrption. Isotherm, Freundlich, langmuir and Gibbs adsorption isotherms.
8. Physical properties and Chemical Constitution: Polarization, Dipole moment, Induced Dipole moment, Claussius mossoti equation. Dipole moment and structure of molecules.
[ Pass Marks : 45 Nine questions to be set answer five including one compulsory question which will be very short answer type:
1. Nuclear chemistry: Nuclear stability, Nuclear binding energy, Mass defect, Packing fraction, Decay constant. Theory of distingeration. Halfe and average life periods. Radioactive series. Artificial radioactivity, Nuclear reaction and its balancing. Nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion.
Isotopes, their separation, Application of radioactivity. Carbon dating. Atom bomb. Hydrogen bomb.
2. Transition element: General chemistry of 1st and 2nd transition series of elements. Chemistry of Ti. V. Mo and Sc with reference electronic configuration. Position in P.T. Valency and oxidation states. Occurence. Extraction. Refining properties and uses. Important compounds, Colour and analytical test of their ions oxidation states. Variation of atomic radii, stability of ions, ionisation energy and acid base nature of their compounds, magnetic behaviour and electronic spectral properties.
3. A cid and Base : Hard and soft acid base (HSAB concept) Pearson theory, Hardness and softness concept, Acid Base strength. Electronegativity and hardness of acid.
4. Coordination Chemistry: Valence bond theory, Valence bond model for the four and six co-ordinated complexes. Failure of V.B. the crystal field
theory. Crystal field splitting in octahedral tetrahedral and square plannar complexes. CFSE, Calculation, Magnetic properties and color of the complexees. with the help of crystal field theory sidgwick effective atomic number concept.
5. Electronic Spectra : Electronic transition and its type, selection rule for d-d transition, spectroscopic ground states, spectro chemical series, Orgel energy in diagram for dl and do states, crystal field stabilization energy.
6. Magnetic Properties : Magnetic behavior and its type paramagnetism, Diamagnetism. Ferromagnetism and anti-ferromagnetism. Atomic theory of paramagnetism and diamagnetism. Curie law, Curie-wiese law. Magneric succptibility. Bohr magneron. Method of derermination of magnetic – susceptiblity, Gouy method, Russel,-Saunder’s states and depencence of paramagnetism. S,I. and J Values spin only fromula L-S coupling. Orbital contribution to magnetic moment. Application of magnetic moment data for 3d- metal complexes.
7. Non-aqueous Solvents : Classification of solvents, Types of reaction in non-aqueous solvents, Liq. NH3. Chemical reaction taking place in liq. NH, and liq SOZ
8. Glass : Introduction, Physical & Chemical properties of glass, Types of glass (Fuses silica glass, High silica glass, Bono silicates glass, Optical glass, Lead glass, Safety glass, Pyrex glass, Jena glass, Photochromic glass, Photosensitive glass).
9. Detergents.
[ Pass Marks : 45 Nine.questions to be set answers five including one compulsory question which will be very short answer type.
1. Organic name reactions : Michael addition reaction, Diel’s – Alder reaction, Hofmann bromamide reaction, Mannich reaction, Fries rearrangement, Pinacole-Piacolone rearrangement, Beckmann rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement.
2. Synthetic reagents : LiAIH4, NaBH4, B, H, NBS, SeO2, HIOA, CH3COOOH CHEN, 3. Polynuclear hydrocarbon : Occurence, Isolation, Synthesis, Properties structure determination of Naphthalene, Anthracene and phenanthrene. Orientation of groups in polynuclear hydrocarbon, Reactivity.
3. Heterocyclic Compounds : Introduction, Nomenclature, Aromatic behaviours, M.Ö. structure of five and six membered hetrocycle compounds Furan, Thiophene, Pyrrole, Pyridire, Occueurence, Isolation, Synthetic methed of preparation, Properties and uses Furan, Pyrrole, Thiophene, Pyridine, aromatic and basic character associated in them. Fused ring heterocyclic comounds. Occurence Isolation- Preparation, properties, uses and structure determination of Indole, Quinoline and Isoquinoline.
Opening of hetrocyclic ring containing one nitrogen atom –Five methods.
4. Coloure and contitution : Introduction, theory for colour and constitution, Dyes, witt’s theory for dyes, classification of dyes, Azo-dyes, triphenylmethane dyes. Phthalein’s dyes, Anthraquinone dyes. vat dyes indigo- structure, synthesis and properties.
5. Industrial Organic chemistry: (a) Polymers : Introduction classifiction & polymers, chain growth
polymers, step growth polymers, natural and artificial (synthetic rubber, Vulcanisation of rubber, tacticity, toxicity, Biodgradable
polymers. (b) Fats, oils and detergents : Introduction, natural Fats, common fatty
acids, hydrogenation of oil and fat; saponification, iodine value &
acid value. Soap and detergents. (c) Fuels : Its types and coaltar, petrolium, petrol, diesel, isolation and
chemical method (Principal only), knocking & antiknocking substance, flash point. Octane no. cetane no. petroleum products
and application.
Chemistry (Hons.) Paper – VIII : Practical
[Full Marks : 100
[ Pass Marks : 45 A. Any two of the following , one from each :
2×35 = 70
(A) Molecular mass calculation
(a) Victor Meyer’s method
(b) Duma’s method (B) Elevation in calculation by landsberger’s method. Depression
of freezing pt. calculation by thermometer (C) Viscosity or surface tension of liquid. 2 CAS Analysis of mixture of salts containing four radicals.
(B) Redox, Fitration : – Volumetric Analysis
c) Identification of organic compound and derivative production. (D) Preparation of dimethylglyoximate Ni (II) complex. tetra-ammine
copper (II) Complexes (E) Preparation of organic compounds : one step two steps reactio
nitration, Halogenation, Diazotization its coupling, Oxidation: B. Note Book C. Viva voce.
Here below are the pdf download of LNMU part 1, 2 and 3 chemistry syllabus and subsidiary | (2020-23). you can download it in google drive. pdf of lnmu chemistry syllabus for part 1, part 2 and part 3 with subsidiary subject are given below.