Today is the day when science laws team take a initiative to start a free daily MCQ practice questions set for the students who prepared for UPSC, SSC, RRB, and BPSC. So make sure to subscribe our science laws website. To subscribe click on the right side of bell icon which is below in yellow colour so that you get notified when we upload practice set.
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To help aspirants in their preparation, we have curated a Daily MCQ Practice Set covering essential topics in physics, chemistry, biology, and current technological developments. This practice set is designed to:
✅ Improve conceptual clarity with well-structured multiple-choice questions.
✅ Enhance problem-solving speed with topic-wise practice.
✅ Keep candidates updated with recent advancements in science and technology.
Regular practice of these MCQs will strengthen your knowledge base and improve your accuracy in exams. Let’s get started with Science and Technology Daily MCQ Practice Set 4.
Table of Contents
General Science and technology MCQ questions for BPSC, UPSC, SSC Exams 2025.
please note that while solving the questions don’t look down because there is answers of all the MCQ questions. Once you attempt every question, then cross check weather you are right or wrong that’s why answer is provided.
Here are 20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on General Science and Technology for BPSC, UPSC, and SSC exams 2025. Some are inspired by previous year papers, while others are based on the latest syllabus trends.
General Science & Technology MCQs
- Which vitamin is also known as Ascorbic Acid?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D - The phenomenon of ‘Mirage’ is due to which of the following?
a) Reflection of light
b) Refraction of light
c) Total Internal Reflection
d) Scattering of light - In the human body, the smallest bone is found in the:
a) Ear
b) Hand
c) Leg
d) Nose - Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?
a) Tuberculosis
b) Malaria
c) Dengue
d) Beriberi - Who discovered the neutron?
a) Niels Bohr
b) J.J. Thomson
c) James Chadwick
d) Ernest Rutherford - The function of chlorophyll in plants is to:
a) Absorb water
b) Transport minerals
c) Absorb light energy
d) Convert oxygen into carbon dioxide - The pH value of pure water is:
a) 5
b) 7
c) 9
d) 11 - The blue color of the sky is due to:
a) Reflection of sunlight
b) Refraction of light
c) Dispersion of light
d) Scattering of light - Which of the following is used in making solar cells?
a) Copper
b) Aluminium
c) Silicon
d) Lead - The first Indian satellite launched into space was:
b) Bhaskara-I
c) Aryabhata
d) Rohini - Which of the following metals is the best conductor of electricity?
a) Iron
b) Copper
c) Silver
d) Aluminium - What is the full form of CPU in computers?
a) Central Processing Unit
b) Computer Processing Unit
c) Central Programming Unit
d) Core Processing Utility - The SI unit of force is:
a) Newton
b) Joule
c) Pascal
d) Watt - Which Indian space mission was aimed at exploring Mars?
a) Chandrayaan-1
b) Mangalyaan
c) Gaganyaan
d) Astrosat - The greenhouse gas responsible for the highest global warming effect is:
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Methane
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Nitrous oxide - Which of the following is a natural polymer?
a) PVC
b) Nylon
c) Rubber
d) Teflon - The speed of light is approximately:
a) 3 × 10⁶ m/s
b) 3 × 10⁸ m/s
c) 3 × 10⁴ m/s
d) 3 × 10⁵ m/s - Who invented the first practical telephone?
a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi - The ozone layer protects Earth from which type of radiation?
a) Infrared radiation
b) Ultraviolet radiation
c) Microwave radiation
d) Radio waves - Which organ in the human body produces insulin?
a) Liver
b) Pancreas
c) Kidney
d) Heart
Here are the correct answers to the General Science & Technology MCQs:
- c) Vitamin C
- c) Total Internal Reflection
- a) Ear (Stapes is the smallest bone)
- c) Dengue (Caused by Dengue virus)
- c) James Chadwick
- c) Absorb light energy (For photosynthesis)
- b) 7 (Neutral pH of pure water)
- d) Scattering of light (Rayleigh scattering)
- c) Silicon (Main material in solar cells)
- c) Aryabhata (Launched in 1975)
- c) Silver (Best conductor of electricity)
- a) Central Processing Unit
- a) Newton (SI unit of force)
- b) Mangalyaan (India’s Mars Orbiter Mission)
- c) Carbon dioxide (Main contributor to global warming)
- c) Rubber (Natural polymer from latex)
- b) 3 × 10⁸ m/s (Speed of light in vacuum)
- a) Alexander Graham Bell (Invented the first practical telephone)
- b) Ultraviolet radiation (Ozone layer absorbs harmful UV rays)
- b) Pancreas (Produces insulin to regulate blood sugar)