amazing facts of science top 20

amazing facts of science top 20

Here is the collection of amazing facts of science top 20, science facts, science laws and amazing science facts and science news. 

science theories, science experiment, science notes, like physics, chemistry, math biology and much more.

amazing facts of science top 20

  • If we compare the total weight of  ant and total weight of men present on the earth then the weight of ant is greater then that of men. this is not a joke! this is fact. ( amazing facts of science top 20).
amazing facts of science top 20
  • If you keep a goldfish in a dark room then after some time it will turns into white color.
  • there are only two English word ending in the letters “mt” are dreamt and flemt. (amazing facts of science top 20).
  • If you shout for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
  • Honeybees have hair on their eyes.
  • In 1955 Tuesday doesn’t exist in calendars.
  • Electricity doesn’t move through wire but it moves around the wire as an electric field.
  • Every one want to win but WIN means What’s Important Now. ( amazing facts of science top 20).
  •  Fingernails grow faster than toe nails.
  • light travels in  a straight line but not always it can bend and curved when medium change. ( amazing facts of science top 20).
  • If an egg throw in a sea then after going deep it appears transparent.
  • If you through a cat in any height it drop in the ground on hes feet. means it always touch the ground with her feet not any part of the body even you throw her by rotating. yes it is right. ( amazing facts of science top 20 ).
  • There are more trees on the earth than stars in our Galaxy.
amazing facts of science top 20
  • Oxygen has color. As a gas, oxygen is colorless and odorless. In its liquid and solid form, however, it looks plane blue.
  • There is only one letter doesn’t appear in the periodic table and the letter is “J” . YOU can check in the periodic table.

amazing facts of science top 20
  • Banana is radioactive. oh! we should not eat! the fact is For one of our sweetest science facts, banana contain potassium and since potassium decays, that make banana slightly radioactive. but it’s nothing you need to worry about. you had need to eat approx 10,000,000 bananas at once to die of radiation poisoning.
— given by Forbes Report.

amazing facts of science top 20
  • Hot water freezes faster than cold water.

reason:- This science facts seems counter intuitive , but it’s called the Mpemba effect, after a Tanzanian student named Erasto Mpemba who told his teacher than a hot mixture of ice cream froze faster than a cold one. scientist now believe this is because velocities of water particles have a specific disposition while they are hot that allow them to freeze more readily.

  • The heart is the hardest working muscles in the body.

Every day it creates enough energy to drive a semi-truck over 18 miles or 30 kilometer.

  • The brain is 60% fat, but it still works hard.
  • If the human eye were a digital it would have 576 megapixels. An eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors.
  • Skin is the largest organ in human body and it renewing itself constantly.
  • There is enough iron in our body than we can make a 7.6 cm of iron nail.
  • Hair keeps on growing for up to six years. the hair then falls out, and another grows in its place.

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