What comes first science or scientist?

What comes first science or scientist

Many people think that, What comes first science or scientist? because human has its own curiosity to know everything. people also search for what comes first science or scientist in the world, what comes first science or scientist of india, what comes first science or scientists do  so, in this article we are talking about What comes first science or scientist? in a brief. so lets start in brief discussion that What comes first science or scientist?

What comes first science or scientist?

A brief discussion about What comes first science or scientist?

Human is the only animal on the earth that have more developed mind than other animals. so human mind can think anything that he saw and that he can imagine. many of the people have a doubt that what comes first science or scientist? this question is very complicated but yet very simple. basically this is a contradiction question.

like we all know that the famous humour question that many people asked to everyone in funny sense that what comes first hen or egg? this question is just almost like that what comes first science or scientist? 

Firstly we have to the actual meaning of science that means what is the first word or sentence when we think about science. basically if we look in the past. science is present on our earth before the birth of our earth. like our universe is full of science and scientific cause. but If we want the appropriate and meaning full answer of what comes first science or scientist? we have to know the actual meaning of science that means the definition of science in meaning full sentence.

What is science? 

A simplest asked question my dear. the answer is science is nothing but a systematic method of knowing all the scientific reasons and cause.

According to this definition we can find the answer of What comes first science or scientist?
but we we can’t follow this definition. we have a little difficulty to find an answer of What comes first science or scientist? because science is present on the universe before the birth of human and also before the birth earth. so lets considered this science definition for the answering of this controversial question What comes first science or scientist?

What comes first science or scientist? the conclusion 

After the long discussion about What comes first science or scientist? we concluded that scientist comes first and then science came. If you do not agree by the answer then take a look on the given example how scientist comes first and then science.

we all know that science is a systematic method of knowing all the scientific reasons and cause. so lets consider science comes first then how a normal person know the cause happened on the earth. lets suppose if he could able to understand the cause then how he explain to the other people because he didn’t have any idea about a systematic method of knowing all the scientific reasons and cause. and also he didn’t have any mathematical equation and theories about their opinion. then how he prove his theory. so scientist comes first then science came. remember this answer is based on the definition of science. otherwise science is present till then when earth do not exist in the universe.

FAQ for what comes first science or scientist of India

Q.1. What comes first science or technology?

the answer is very complicated but yet simple but If we want the appropriate and meaning full answer of what comes first science or technology we have to know the actual meaning of science that means the definition of science in meaning full sentence.

science is nothing but a systematic method of knowing all the scientific reasons and cause.

so by this brief or short discussion we conclude that science comes first and then technology came.

Q.2. Who is the scientist of India?

there are many great scientist in India. here is a short and famous Indian scientist list of India.

  • Chandrasekhara V Raman
  • Dr Jagadish Chandra Bose
  • Dr Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai
  • Dr Apj Abdul Kalam

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