After qualifying 12th board with physics, chemistry and mathematics. Many of the students chooses course in mathematics for their further studies. So here we list some most popular and best books for Honours mathematics to score higher in exams.
Before we discuss the list of math books. we should know the syllabus of bsc honours mathematics. So In math there are total six paper in three years. Each semester has two paper. In some colleges the duration of each semester is six months. So here is the first two semester math books for honours mathematics.
Best books for math first year
Paper 1:-
(1.) Set Theory – Lalgi Prasad
(2.) Matrices – Das Gupta
(3.) Linear Programming – Das Gupta
(4.) Trigonometry – Das Gupta / Lalgi prasad
Paper 2:-
(1.) Differential Calculus- Das Gupta
(2.) Integral calculus – Das Gupta
(3.) Co-ordinate Geometry – Das Dupta
(4.) Analytical Geometry – Das Gupta