Introduction on Refraction of light
In this science World. There are many natural phenomena occurs daily. One of the beautiful natural science phenomena is the formation of rainbow. During the rainy season, once in a while we must see the rainbow in the sky. But did you know how rainbow is formed? So we tell you that rainbow is formed due to the diffraction of white light through the atmosphere or cloud.
Now, we all know that rainbow is formed due to refraction. But what is meant by refraction? What did this term mean?
Refraction is the phenomena of the nature where light wave bends when travels from one medium to another medium having some difference in refractive index.
Note:- Refractive index is nothing but a measuring value that determines the amount of angle a light wave bends during the passes from one medium to another medium.
To understand the refractive index in better way. You must have to know the application of refractive index. these are :-
- first application of refractive index is, it is used to measure the value of medium.
- It is used to measure the wavelength of the medium.
- refractive index is used in film makin process of camera.
- Mobile phone display also works on the application and principal of refractive index.
In simple word refractive index is the amount that tells us how much the medium is rarer or how much is denser. For example glass is denser that air, Diamond is denser that glass etc.
Refraction occurs in a light wave only when there is two medium available having some difference in refractive index.
Now the question is why light wave bend during travelling from one medium to another medium. Because as we studied that light travels in a straight line. Than why it bends? So the answer is very simple, when light wave travels in only one medium then it goes in a straight line. But when it passes through two different medium, it gets bend because the velocity of the light wave get increases or decreases when passes through two different medium.
Here are 10 easily observable examples of the refraction of light in daily life:
A Straw in Water: When you place a straw in a glass of water, it appears to be bent or broken at the water’s surface due to the refraction of light as it moves from air to water.
Lenses in Glasses: The bending of light through corrective lenses in eyeglasses helps improve vision, allowing light to focus correctly on the retina.
Water in a Swimming Pool: Objects submerged in water, such as a swimming pool’s floor or a submerged ball, appear closer or distorted due to light bending when passing through water.
The Sun’s Path at Sunset or Sunrise: As sunlight passes through Earth’s atmosphere, it bends, causing the sun to appear slightly higher than its actual position near the horizon.
Looking at Fish in Water: Fish appear to be in different positions when viewed from above the water’s surface, due to light bending as it exits the water and enters the air.
Rainbows: A rainbow is formed by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light in water droplets, resulting in a spectrum of colors.
Mirages on Hot Roads: On a hot day, the air near the ground is much warmer than the air higher up. The refraction of light through these layers of air causes a mirage, making it look like there’s water on the road.
A Pencil in a Glass of Water: A pencil looks bent or broken at the point where it enters the water because of the change in the speed of light as it passes from air to water.
A Fish Tank: The appearance of objects inside a fish tank appears shifted or distorted because of light bending as it moves from the water to the air.
Refraction in a Glass of Water with a Coin: When a coin is placed at the bottom of a glass of water and viewed from the side, the coin looks displaced or enlarged due to the bending of light.
These are all everyday instances where light changes speed and direction, leading to the phenomenon of refraction.
Laws of refraction of light:-
First law:- According to this law, the incident ray, the refracted ray, normal and the point of incidence lies on the same plane.
Second law:- According to this law, the sine angle of incidence to the sine angle of refraction is constant. Note that this law is also known as snell’s law.
Now, we knew some concept of refraction. But before we proceed in examples of refraction of light. We should have to know about the types of refraction of light.
So, generally there are total two types of refraction shown when light passes though one medium to another medium. First is in concave lens and second is convex lens.
In concave lens:-
In convex lens:-
So in this post we will try to understand the refraction of light in different-different way. we will also take some common examples of refraction of light that we easily observe in our day to day life. Basically these are the simple examples of refraction of light.
All these following examples are very common and must be seen at least once in your life. But you ignored it.
10 easily observable examples of refraction of light in everyday life.
(1.) Refraction of light in spherical lenses.
(2.) Refraction of light in dvd.
(3.) Refraction of light in atmosphere.
(4.) Refraction of light in solid ice.
(5.) Refraction of light in water droplets.
(6.) Refraction of light in river during sunset.
(7.) Refraction in glass filled with water.
(8.) Refraction in diamond cut glass.
(9.) Rainbow is formed due to refraction.
(10.) Refraction of light in our eye lens.
Lets understand all the above examples of refraction of light that we see in our day to day life (or everyday life) one by one in detail.
(1.) Refraction of light in spherical lenses
This is one of the most famous example of refraction of light. So lets understand this example. As we know that, when light waves passes through one medium to another medium, it gets bend weather it is from rarer medium to denser medium or denser medium to rarer one. Now, we look this phenomena in spherical lenses for doing this experiment. we take both two lenses in use. First is concave lens and other is convex lens.
Case 1:- Concave Lens
In above fig. of concave lens. we can see that there are many light waves emitted from an object get bends after refraction. And all the light waves after refraction get dispersed in straight line along one direction.
In this case we use two medium first is air and second is lens which is made up of glass. So as we discussed earlier for taking place of refraction we must have difference of refractive index in medium. Hence, here is also the difference in refractive index in both medium.
Case 2:- Convex lens
In the above fig. of convex lens. we can see that there are many light waves emitted from a point ‘p’. And after passing through the convex lens all these rays of light get deflected in different-different direction.
Here, in this experiment we use two medium. One is rarer which is air and other is denser which is lens. And as we studied, a ray of light when passes through two different medium get bends. So here is also same situations. All the light waves after refraction get bends.
(2.) Refraction of light in dvd
Refraction in dvd cassette is also an example of refraction of light that we can easily observe in our day to day life. Before we start please note that here we talk about transparent dvd. Not as shown in fig. Because in this type of dvd. Refraction is not possible. So take transparent dvd. Having both side clear. and looks like be glass. Don’t be confuse. Your doubt will be clear after reading all short given six following paragraph.
Example of refraction |
We all uses dvd for playing music, video etc in our everyday life. But Now, the uses of dvd decreases due to increasing in technology. But we didn’t forget our childhood of those days that we played with dvd. And many of the people noticed that if we see the shiny surface of the dvd in brightness of the sun. We noticed the formation of many color. So what is that color? Why we see it in brightness? Hence, the answer is very simple. The reason behind that Formation of various color is due to the refraction of height.
This happens as:- When we take dvd in closer of the brightness. The rays of light emitted from bright object enter in dvd (made up of plastics). and diverse in all direction. And due to this diversion of light various color seen.
In other words, light get refract in dvd because dvd is made up of plastics and light is coming from another source of medium (air). And we know that when light enters from one medium to another medium it get bends.
Generally, Normal dvd shows diffraction of light, because normal dvd has one side polished and other side covered with poster (or point). But what happens if we take a transparent dvd and pass a beam of light from their edge.
In that case diffraction doesn’t occur. In transparent dvd light wave get passes through one side to another side. Also There will be no any formation of rainbow color. In this case we can say that refraction of light occurs in dvd. So, refraction is also occurs in dvd.
Please note that after passing beam of light from the edge of the dvd some rainbow color may be seen because of the presence of shiny crystal in dvd. So in refraction there is also may form rainbow color.
(3.) Refraction of light in atmosphere
Example of refraction in everyday life |
In rainy season we notice the sky looks a little like this. As shown in above fig. This phenomena of nature is due to the diffraction of light in atmosphere. But In some case when it is due to the refraction of light. This explains as follows:
After rain or during raining the sky is full of black and some white cloud. And when sun’s rays falls on that cloud, some of the light rays reflect in other direction, some are disperse in all direction but some of the light rays get passes through the white transparent cloud. And this causes the refraction of light. Because when some light rays passes through the cloud. It gets bends because of traveling from one medium to another medium. Hence, refraction occurs in atmosphere.
Some people has confusion about this examples. Please note that not in case of atmosphere but also in every situation weather it is reflection, or diffraction. In every situation light wave do all three phenomena reflection, diffraction and refraction. For example whenever a light beam falls on a transparent surface. A refraction, reflection even a diffraction together happens. But at that moment we only considered those terms which we need. like here we only need the concept of refraction. So we only talk about refraction. Not diffraction or reflection. But remember, In atmosphere all refraction, reflection and diffraction occurs together.
Know How? When light falls on a surface some of the light get reflect, some are passed through the material and some are diffuse in all direction.
(4.) Refraction of light in solid ice
Example of refraction |
Everyone has used refrigerator. Even everyone has refrigerator in their home. So you must have seen solid ice. Solid ice is made up of water. If we try to see through ice. We didn’t get image properly. We will also noticed that the image is not seen clear. So why this happens? Why we cannot see image properly through solid ice? So In simple word, this is due to the refraction of light passing through solid ice.
This happens as: When a light beam travelling in a medium get enters in solid ice (which is another medium). It gets deflected from their normal lines. This is due to the decreasing in velocity of the light waves. And this causes diffraction of light.
Lets take an example to understand the concept of refraction in solid ice.
Suppose we have a polished solid ice (like a glass). And if a beam of light passes through it. It gets bends. And due to the bending of light solid ice shows refraction of light.
(5.) Refraction of light in water droplets
Example of refraction |
Water droplets are spherical in shape. Also there are many water molecules present in a water droplets. As we know water droplets are spherical in shape. as shown in above fig. Due to spherical shape. It behaves like a spherical lens. And we even also know that spherical lenses are two types. First is concave and other is convex. Here we only use the term spherical instead of concave or convex.
Due to the spherical shape. When light falls on it it get refracted. Apart from refraction. Some of the light wave get diffract and some are reflect. But here we only talk about refraction. So in water droplets, refraction of light takes place.
This happens as: When a beam of light falls on spherical water droplets. light get passed through it. And during the passes of light, the velocity of the light beam decreases due to change in refractive index of the medium. Hence, refraction of light takes place in water droplets.
For example, In above fig. we can see a flower in water droplets. This is due to the refraction of light. Sun flower get reflect from water droplets when light falls on it.
(6.) Refraction of light in river during sunset
Example of refraction in everyday life |
In hilly area. This examples suit perfectly. But now, we will try to understand this example from above fig.
During sunsets or sunrise. If we notice the activities of the rays of the sun in river. We will find the fringe pattern in river. like in above fig. This fringe pattern formed due to the refraction of light. This happens as: we know that light propagate in straight line. And During sunsets or sunrise, the rays of light strikes to the surface of the river parallely. Due to parallel touching to the the surface of the river, it gets bends in other direction. And this phenomena is happens not only with one rays of light. It is happens with many of the rays. And many of the rays refract in different-different direction. Due to this refraction, a shiny and fringe bright pattern formed on the surface of the river.
Refraction of light in river during sunset or sunrise can be understand in simple words. When a bundles of rays of light touches the upper surface of the river parallelly. It gets refract in many direction. And due to this diffraction. A fringe bright pattern formed. As shown in above fig.
(7.) Refraction in glass filled with water
Example of refraction |
You can see a beautiful pattern in above fig. This pattern is formed due to the refraction of light. To know how? read further.
To understand this examples of refraction. we have to perform an experiment.
- So lets take a glass. like normal tea glass.
- Filled it half with water.
- Darken a room by switched off all the bulbs. And close the doors and windows. So that there will be no any presence of light in the room.
- Take a torch. Remember the torch should have straight light focus. And sure a white light torch.
- Placed the glass filled with water in a white paper.
- Light up the torch and adjust it in such a way that it focuses on the right middle of the glass. From upward direction.
- Now, you can see the bright light pattern formed due to refraction.
Wants to know. How this bright pattern formed? So read the following last paragraph.
(8.) Refraction in diamond cut glass
Example of refraction |
Diamond cut glass have been cutting in such a that when light enters in it. It refract again and again in inside automatically. So In diamond cut glass or even in diamond, a refraction of light takes place. We all noticed that a diamond is very shiny. And shows many color after passing a light beam through it.
This happens as: When a light beam enters into a diamond cut glass. Then that light beam do multiple reflection inside the diamond cut glass. And due to this multiple reflection. Diamond glow up. As shown in fig. During the passes of light wave inside the diamond cut glass. The light waves get bends due to the change in medium. And we know that refraction is the phenomena where medium changes. Hence, In diamond cut glass refraction occurs.
(9.) Rainbow is formed due to refraction
Example of refraction |
Refraction is the causes of the formation of rainbow. This sounds very wired. Because till now we studied that formation of rainbow is due to the diffraction of light. So I will tell you Both the phenomena are responsible for the formation of rainbow. Know how?
In rainy season, clouds are present in the atmosphere. And when a light beam touches the cloud. then some of the light waves get diffract in different direction and some are passed through the cloud. And those light which passed through cloud, is also responsible for the formation of rainbow.
(10.) Refraction of light in our eye lens
Example of refraction |
Refraction also happens in our eyes. So eye is also an example of refraction of light. We call eye but that’s doesn’t mean the whole eye. Refraction occurs only in our eye lens. Our eye has a convex lens. So when we see things the light from the emitting source hits the object and then light wave come into our eyes. And when light enters in our eyes through eye lens called ‘convex lens’ the light get bends and falls in our retina. where inverted image formed. After that our mind re-correct the image through brain nerves system. We already discussed about refraction phenomena in convex lens in detail. Look first examples of refraction of light. we also provide the information about refraction in concave lens.
As refraction occurs in convex lens. On the same way refraction occurs in our eye.
Application of refraction of light in daily life
- Refraction of light can be seen in measuring scale.
- Microscope works on the application of refraction of light.
- Refraction is used in working telescope.
- Our eye works on the application of refraction of light.
- Eye contact lens works on the principal of refraction of light.
Q&A on Refraction of light
1. Where does refraction occurs in the human eyes?
Ans:- Refraction of light occurs on the eye lens of the human eyes. This happens as follows, when a beam of light enters through eyeball it pass though eye lens that is convex lens and refraction of light takes place.
2. How is a camera an example of refraction?
Ans:- camera is the best example of refraction of light. How? See in camera there is a lens placed on the top front part of the camera. From where photographer see the images and click photos. Now let’s understand how does camera use refraction? So this happens as follows: when we see an image though the camera lens placed on the top front part of the camera. The rays of light coming from the image enter through those camera lens and refraction occurs in camera.
Please note that convex lens is used in camera lens.
3. Is a shadow reflection or refraction?
Ans:- shadow is neither a reflection or refraction of light. It is the dark area where light not reach. In other words you can say a shadow is the region where there is no light beam. A shadow is formed when an object or body come in the path of a straight travelling ligh beam. Then a dark image of that object or body formed as similar vto their shape and size and we call them a shadow.
4. Is flashlight reflection or refraction?
Ans:- A flashlight is an example of reflection of light. Because a flashlight works as quite similar as a torch works. As we know in a torch thee is a shiny polished silver like plastic placed in the back part of the bulb. And bulb placed at the focus point.
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