Uncontrolled motion: Those motion which cannot be controlled or which cannot be stopped are called controlled motion.
There are many types of uncontrolled motion. Some of the examples are given below as follows:-
- Rotation of earth in oval shape.
- Revolution of earth on its axis.
- Movement of our space station.
- Movement of planet in space.
- Expanding of our universe.
- Movement of black hole.
Basically those movement or those motion which are occurring naturally are called uncontrolled motion.
Rotation of earth in oval shape is happening because of nature. We cannot determine from when it started and when it will finished. But we make some estimated idea of time by how much it will stop.
Revolution of earth on its axis is also a natural phenomena. Earth keep rotating from far of years. So we can’t stop it’s rotation or motion.
Movement of our space station:– As we know our space station moves regularly. Our space station revolve around the earth approx 16 times in 24 hours.