source of energy class 10th

source of energy class 10th

Source of energy class 10 science notes physics CBSE board explained in full detail in easy language. Renewable source of energy, non renewable source of energy, class 10 science notes.

source of energy class 10th

Source of energy

It has the capacity to provide useful energy example all is an important source of energy.

Types of source of energy

  1. Renewable source of energy:- a source of energy which can be renew again and again in the short period of time is called renewable source of energy. Example solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy etc.
  2. Non renewable source of energy:- a source of energy which cannot be e Renu again and again in a short period of time but it can be renew over a very long period of time is called non renewable source of energy. Example Fossil fuels and nuclear fuels.

Fossils fuels:- 

  • Those fuel which take long time for their preparation in the deep of the earth crust through the action of pressure heat and bacteria in the absence of air from the decomposition of dead plants and animals is called fossil fuel.

  • Fossil fuels are coal, petroleum and natural gas.

  • It is non renewable source of energy.

  • It is also known as conventional source of energy.


It is a mixture of compounds of carbon hydrogen and oxygen what is small amount of nitrogen and sulphur is also present in it.
Note:- India has largest deposit of coal in the Bihar Odisha Madhya Pradesh etc.

Types of coal:- 

Coal are four types:- 
  1. Peat
  2. Lignite
  3. Betomenous
  4. Anthracite

Uses of coal:- 

  • It is used as a domestic and industrial fuel.
  • It is used in thermal power plant for generating electricity.
  • Note coke has 98% carbon and it is used as reducing agent in metallurgical  process extraction of metal.
  • It is used to prepare synthetic oil and synthetic natural gas.


  • It is a black viscous liquid which consists mainly of hydrocarbons along with other elements such as oxygen, Sulphur and nitrogen.

  • It also consists of salt and rock material.

Refining of petroleum or crude oil.

  • It is the process of separating various component of petroleum from one another by fractional distillation or heating in the presence of air.

  • Fractional distillation of petroleum gives petroleum gas or LPG petrol, kerosene oil,paraffin wax diesel etc.
LPG or liquefied petroleum gas

  • It is petroleum gas in liquid state.
  • It is mixture of ethane, propane and butane but the major component is butane.
Advantage of LPG
  • It has high calorific value.
  • It does not produce smoke.
  • It’s handling is easier as compared to coal and kerosene.
  • It does not produce any poisonous gas.
  • It is very neat and clean domestic fuel.

Precaution in using LPG

  • Rubber tube should be checked at regular for crack or holes.
  • Gas burner should be standard.
  • the value of the regulator of the gas cylinder should be kept closed when not in use.
  • Ethyl mercaptan Sulphur dioxide gas trapped easily and it is mixed with petroleum gas or LPG in small amount for preventing leakage of gas.

Natural gas:-

  • It is a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbon consisting of methane 85% and mixture of methane, butane, propane with traces of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, Oxygen and hydrogen sulphide.

  • it is found deep in the earth crust either along or along with crude oil deposit.

Advantage of natural gas:- 

  • It is a clean fuel.
  • It is transported through the pipeline in the form of CNG.
  • It has high calorific value.

CNG compressed natural gas:- 

when natural gas is compressed by applying a high pressure it becomes a liquid called compressed natural gas or CNG.

Calorific value of fuel:- 

It is the amount of heat produced by burning 1 gram of fuel completely.

Ideal fuel:- 

  • It should have high calorific value.
  • It should be burnt without releasing any harmful gas.
  • It should not leave ash.
  • It should be cheap, save to transport and easy to handle and use.
Note:- hydrogen is a cleaner fuel than CNG because the product of combustion of hydrogen is H2O but the product of combustion of CNG is CO2 and H2O. CO2  produce greenhouse effect.


  • It is formed by anaerobic degradation of biogas.
  • The major constituent of biogas is methane 75%.
  • The other major gas is CO2  which traces of other gases like hydrogen sulphide H2S.

Use of biogas:- 

  • It is used as a fuel for cooking.
  • It is used to generate electricity.
  • It helps in producing manure.

Advantage of biogas:- 

  • It has longest life.
  • It has a low cost.
  • It has require less maintenance.
  • It is a renewable source of energy.

Non conventional source of energy:- 

The source of energy obtained from sun is called solar energy.

Uses of solar energy:- 

It is used for drying food grains ,fish, firewood etc.
Obtaining Salt from seawater by evaporation.

Solar energy device:- 

  • It is a device which capable using solar energy directly as heat or converting it into electricity.
  • Device which uses of solar energy directly into electricity called solar cell.
  • Device which uses solar energy as heat is called solar cooker.

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