Here is the full syllabus of honours zoology part 3. these 3rd year bsc syllabus comes under the college of Lalit Narayan Mithila Universities. Basically this zoology honours syllabus is design to keep in mind of LNMU criteria. The pdf of this syllabus is also available in the following below of the post. You can simply click on download button to save pdf files. If you wants to take admission in lnmu then this syllabus will help you a lot.
L.N.M.U part 3 Zoology (hons) Syllabus
In Lnmu university there are total four paper in bsc part 3 zoology syllabus. Namely Paper 5, Paper 6, Paper 7 and last Paper 8 which is practical paper Having 100 marks out of 45 is the passing marks.
In Paper 5, 6, or 7 there are total eight questions to be set in which four questions comes from each group, Group A and Group B. Five question are to be answered. At least two questions must be select from each group. So that the total question will be four which has to be answer.
Now, we look all the paper one by one and see the topics from where, questions will be asked in exam. So In hons part 3 zoology the syllabus will divided into four paper as we discussed above.
Paper 5 Theory
There are total eight questions has to be asked from paper 5. Out of which five questions has to be answered. Selecting at least two from each group So that there will be four from each group.
Group A: Biochemistry
1. Carbohydrate: structure and classification
2. Amino acid: structure and classification
3. Lipid: structure and classification
4. Protein: structure and classification
5. Nomenclature and classification of enzyme. Mechanism of enzyme action.
6. Vitamins
7. Selected metabolic pathways: glycolysis, Krebs cycle and beta oxidation of fats.
Group B: psychology endocrinology
1. Nutrition: digestion and absorption
2. Respiration: transport of gas
3. Circulation: blood composition and blood clotting mechanism.
4. Excretion: urea cycle, removal of nitrogenous waste, and osmoregulation.
5. Psychology of muscles contraction and nervous conduction.
6. General characteristic of hormones and mechanism of hormone action.
7. Structure and function of pituitary, thyroid, Adrenal, and Islets of Langerhans.
Paper 6 Theory
There are total eight questions has to be asked from paper 5. Out of which five questions has to be answered. Selecting at least two from each group So that there will be four from each group.
Group A: biotechnology and immunology
1. Concept and scope of biotechnology
2. Biotechnology and human welfare.
3. Basic concept of genetic engineering.
4. Restriction enzyme.
5. Cloning vehicles: plasmids, cosmids and shuttle vector.
6. DNA printing.
7. Component of immune system.
8. Antigen: antibodies, interaction
9. Immune response.
10. Allergy and inflammation.
11. Vaccine.
Group B: revolution and zoogeography
1. Theories of evolution: lamarckism, Darwinism, and new-darwinism.
2. Concept of species, speciation.
3. Genetic drift and Hardy- Weinberg law.
4. Evolution of horse and man.
5. Zoogeographical realms:- Ethiopians, Australian and oriental region with their faunal distribution.
6. Living Fossils
7. Extinetion
8. Insular Fauna
9. Neoteny and Evaluation
10. Orthogenesis
Paper 7 Theory
There are total eight questions has to be asked from paper 5. Out of which five questions has to be answered. Selecting at least two from each group So that there will be four from each group.
Group A: Medical Zoology
1. Pathogenic Microbes: Viruses and Bacteria
2. Pathogenic Protozoa: Plasmoduum and Leishmania
3. Pathogenic Helminthes: Wuchereria bancrofti, Ancylostom, duodenale.
4. Small pox: Aetilogy, Occurrence and Eradication
5. AIDs, hepatitis B, polio, cancer
6. Family planning: contraception measures.
Group B: economic zoology
1. Sericulture: rearing and cocoon production, disease and their control.
2. Apiculture: practice in Bihar.
3. Lac culture: practice in Bihar and Jharkhand.
4. Pisciculture: pond management, induced breeding and composite culture of crap.
5. Pest management: paddy, wheat and rice.
6. Paul try: major fowl breeds, system of rearing, common diseases and their control.
7. Biology of vector and their control measures.
Zoology Hons part 3 practical syllabus
In part 3rd year zoology BSc honours. The practical will be of full marks of hundred. Out of which passing marks is 45. The time it is 6 hour. the practical syllabus for BSC Hons zoology part III will be given below.
1. Biochemistry:-
- Estimation of glucose by glucometer.
- Iodine test for starch.
- Millions test for protein.
2. Haematology:-
- Estimation of RBC and hemoglobin/differential count of WBC in different group of vertebrates.
- Determination of blood groups and ESR.
- Detection of glucose in urine.
3. Economic zoology:-
- Identification and description of two fishes provided/silk moth, musca, culex and Anopheles.
4. Endocrinology:-
- Study of endocrine gland through graphics and to comment upon endocrinological slides provided.
5. Presentation with the help of chart and models 10.
6. Class records
7. Viva-voice
L.N.M.U part 3 Zoology (hons) Syllabus pdf
Here is the pdf of lnmu part 3 zoology hons syllabus. Where you can download it. The pdf is given with practical syllabus also.
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